Bank of New Zealand

I work as a front-end developer in the Design System team at BNZ. A Design System can be seen as a set of building blocks to help build consistent user interfaces at scale. It contains the tools, guidelines and practices needed for people across different platforms to speak the same language, including component libraries and foundational elements.
- Massive modernisation of the React component libaray, including stripping out the old CSS in JS solution, for a modern approach using CSS modules and CSS variables. This also paved the way for…
- Dark mode! 🌙 Likely one of the first major banks in New Zealand to integrate dark mode into their Design Systems, so that developers can integrate dark mode into their apps seamlessly.
- Developing the brand-spanking-new documentation site! This is a fully bespoke site using cutting edge technologies such as TypeScript, NextJS, and MDX, and is used as the source of truth for developers, designers, and content professionals.
Mark Lynskey Design + Digital

I went out on my own as a freelancer providing services in web design and development, graphic desing, video editing, and social media marketing, with a specific focus on small businesses in Hawke’s Bay.

Sportsground is New Zealand‘s number 1 digital platform for sports clubs and schools. They provide an all-in-one digital solution, including a website builder, online registrations and payments, and more. I joined Sportsground as a Graphic Designer in the web space, and became a jack-of-all-trades in multimedia.
- Delivered and worked on websites for high-profile clients, such as Auckland Rugby Union, Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union, and Havelock North High School.
- Created a support site using Zendesk, authored technical support articles, and tutorial videos.